Staff training April 2023

In April 2023 the INCLUSIVE project will arrange its first of 2 staff training events during the project period. The aim of the staff training is to create a meeting place for the exchange of best practices in inclusive internationalization in the nursing education.

The target group for this seminar is people from partner institutions who work in nursing education, and people who work with internationalization and students with special needs. 

The program will include both academic and cultural activities, such as lectures, workshops and guided tours. 

Sign up here before 5 April

The seminar has two thematic tracks, where you choose one of the following:  

Track 1: Increased inclusion and services for students with special needs related to student exchange  

Track 2: Student exchange in nursing education and how to build sustainable exchange schemes within the regulatory framework  

During the training, we will elaborate on our understanding of inclusive internationalization and sustainable exchange schemes, and in cooperation with you, we would like to explore how we can mutually benefit from the partnership with each other.  

Preliminary Programme 

Wednesday, April 26th in Grimstad

09.00 Travel to Grimstad

10.00–10.30Registration and morning coffee

10.30–10.40Official welcome by the assistant leader of the Department of Health and Nursing Science

10.40–11.15 Information about UiA, our Nursing Education program, and Project “INCLUSIVE”

11.15–11.30 Presentation of participants

11.30 –11.45 Break

11.45–12.15 Inclusion and internationalization

12.15–13.15 Lunch, hosted by UiA

13.15–14.00 Guided campus tour, including visits to the labs

14.00–16.30 Parallel workshop sessions

Track 1: Increased inclusion and services for students with special needs related to students exchange. Track 2: Students exchange in nursing education and how to build sustainable exchange schemes within the regulatory framework

16.30–19.00 Social happening – to be announced

19.00–21.00 Welcome dinner hosted by UiA

21.00 Travel back to Kristiansand

Thursday, April 27th in Kristiansand

08.30 –11.00 Visit to Sørlandet Hospital and Vest Agder Museum

11.30–12.30 Lunch, hosted by UiA

12.30 –12.50 Inclusion and Internationalization

12.50–14.30 Parallel workshop sessions. Track 1: Increased inclusion and services for students with special needs related to students exchange  Track 2: Student exchange in nursing education and how to build sustainable exchange schemes within the regulatory framework  

14.30–15.00 Summing up

For ansatte

En av nøklene for å få studenter til å reise på utveksling er engasjerte ansatte. Mange har allerede større internasjonale nettverk, andre er kanskje interessert men har ikke så langt vært involvert. Et av delmålene i dette prosjektet er å få flere ansatte involvert i internasjonalt utdanningssamarbeid. Vi vil blant annet jobbe med dette gjennom workshops, internasjonale dager for både studenter og ansatte samt økt fokus på ansattmobilitet og informasjon rundt dette.

INKLUSIV har Norden som hovedfokusområde, men våre tiltak vil kunne gjelde all internasjonal aktivitet også utenfor Norden.

Vi vil legge ut mer informasjon om kommende arrangement på nettsidene våre.

Vil du vite mer, ta kontakt.

Se ellers generell informasjon om ansattmobilitet på Innaskjærs.

© UiA 2025